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ChurchSafety Home


The services on this page are in addition to the information and downloads found on the rest of the ChurchSafety Website.

Consultancy Services

National Health and Safety Co. Ltd. logoWe have partnered with a national provider of Health and Safety Consultancy services - National Health And Safety Co. Ltd.  

With a number of consultancy packages available, alongside ChurchSafety Member discounts, National Health and Safety Co. Ltd. provide coverage and peace of mind for any size Church or Place of Worship. 

National Health and Safety Co. Ltd. provide two levels of service - a full scheme and an abbreviated scheme.  Details of the services offered by National Health and Safety Co. Ltd are provided on their brochure (PDF, 2.2MB).

Please visit the National Health And Safety Co. Ltd. Website for more information on their National coverage with local delivery service.

Telephone Helpline

National Health and Safety Company Ltd. also provide a telephone helpline to members.  For information on this service, please log in to our Member Area or find out details of how to join us as a ChurchSafety Member.

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